#electronic devices

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6 months ago
Digital life

Buying Used Tech This Holiday Season Can Avert Human Rights Abuses

Buying used or refurbished electronic devices can help reduce the demand for metals like cobalt and copper, which are fueling a humanitarian crisis in the DRC.
Keeping electronic devices in use longer can significantly decrease the amount of raw materials needed for manufacturing. [ more ]
6 months ago

Read This If You Use An E-Reader Before Bed

E-readers emit less sleep-harming light than other electronic devices, but they still emit some blue light that can affect sleep.
Compared to paper books, e-readers are more likely to delay circadian rhythm, interfere with melatonin production, and reduce deep stages of sleep. [ more ]
6 months ago

Read This If You Use An E-Reader Before Bed

E-readers emit less sleep-harming light than other electronic devices, but they still emit some blue light that can affect sleep.
Compared to paper books, e-readers are more likely to delay circadian rhythm, interfere with melatonin production, and reduce deep stages of sleep. [ more ]
6 months ago

Read This If You Use An E-Reader Before Bed

E-readers emit less sleep-harming light than other electronic devices, but they still emit some blue light that can affect sleep.
Compared to paper books, e-readers are more likely to delay circadian rhythm, interfere with melatonin production, and reduce deep stages of sleep. [ more ]
6 months ago

Read This If You Use An E-Reader Before Bed

E-readers emit less sleep-harming light than other electronic devices, but they still emit some blue light that can affect sleep.
Compared to paper books, e-readers are more likely to delay circadian rhythm, interfere with melatonin production, and reduce deep stages of sleep. [ more ]
6 months ago

Read This If You Use An E-Reader Before Bed

E-readers emit less sleep-harming light than other electronic devices, but they still emit some blue light that can affect sleep.
Compared to paper books, e-readers are more likely to delay circadian rhythm, interfere with melatonin production, and reduce deep stages of sleep. [ more ]
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